Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TGV to Montpellier!

The TGV! (Tay-Jhay-Vay) One of the best forms of travel ever invented! This is the way to get around Europe! I wish it could cross the ocean - I would never fly again. This sucker goes over 200mph - it is so smooth - so quiet - so comfortable! I loved it! Plenty of leg room - as you can see in the photo above. Jeni slept the whole way to Montpellier.

The precious man in the upper left is Gallo! He took our baggage when we arrived at Gare de Lyon - followed us all around the open-air huge station - FREEZING! I thought we were going into a warm enclosed station - NO WAY! He never left us until he had us settled safe and relatively warm inside the cafe. He brought us to pick up our tickets, and then validate them. Then he tried one cafe - too small. He tried another - not warm enough. He finally got us inside Le Cafe du Gare (something like that!). He situated our baggage (almost the same size as he was) so that we could keep an eye on it while we ate our breakfast. He promised to return when it was time to board the train - which he did! The man was an angel.

One funny little side note - in the cafes - you sit very close to other patrons. An older gentleman was sitting next to me (in the train station) eating what appeared to be something you would clean up after your dog - and the smell was even worse! I kept stealing glances trying to figure out what the heck it was and Jeni kept yelling at me, "MOM!!!! Stop looking!" "MOM! STOP!" I just couldn't help myself - it looked like cooked intestinal tract and despite my best efforts it had a hypnotic effect on my eyes! Le Yuck!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OHHH nooo this is too much for me!!!! hahaha, i can just SEE the whole cafe ordeal! Poor punkin yelling at mommy. hahahahahah xo

  2. sounds like the dinner I make every night!! hahahah
