Here's our group getting ready to set out on an "official" tour of Montpellier - walking tour, of course - since we haven't done enough of that! Ha! The church is a Catholic Church - St. Etienne or St. Pierre (I can't remember - there were SO many). I think our French guide told us it was from the 1200's or 1300's. He only spoke to us in French - so I grabbed at any word I could understand - ugh - my head! Anyway - it was unbelievably massive!! It took some direct cannon hits from the Protestants who were fighting the Catholics. We went inside - it was enormous - and FREEZING! Why would anyone want to go to church if they have to freeze????
The sculptor killed himself after completing this sculpture because he forgot the stirrups! Isn't that a bit drastic??
Ancient aquaducts! How in the world????
Do you love how the tour guide's mouth looks like he's saying "Heh heh heh" with that french accent???? Cracks me up!
hahahaha, you are too much. and yes...he does.